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SpinOffice CRM SpinOffice CRM develops web applications, innovative software solutions and relationship management software.
Spinoff Studio Spinoff Studio is a game development studio provides support for delivering art content to other industries.
Spin-Off Advisors Spin-Off Advisors (SOA) is an independent equity research firm focused on spin-off situations.
Spinoff Digital Spinoff Digital is a web design and marketing business specialises in working with and servicing clients from the real estate market.
Spin-Off SPIN-OFF aims at providing help to specific audiences with loss of autonomy, developing home hospitalization and home care.
Spin Off Squared SO Kwadraat vzw supports high-tech startups in Belgium with coaching and strategic guidance.
The Spinoff The Spinoff is a New Zealand website covering television in all its forms, wherever it might be found.
The Spinoff The Spinoff is a project that supports entrepreneurs who are just starting out their businesses.
The SPIN OFF The SPIN OFF is a magazine publishing company that covers fashion news.
Latina Spinoff Latina Spinoff provides software and hardware solutions in the field of artificial intelligence and decision support systems.
Financière Spin-Off Luxembourgeoise Specializes in spin-off and spin-out investments.
Sambrinvest Spin off/spin out SA Sambrinvest Spin-Off / Spin-Out SA is a closed private equity fund managed by Sambrinvest S.A.
Bilendi Technology (spin off Bilendi) SSII specialized in open-source development
Consulting Partner (Spin-off Gemini Consulting) International Strategy Consulting Company
startups and spinoffs startups and spinoffs
Emergency Dispatch Africa, a Kiipo Spinoff A cloud-based Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system deployable in the most rugged of environments.
GlakoLens Spin-off start-up developing contact lens based continuous monitoring solutions for ocular hypertension and glaucoma management.
IguanaBee in China Spin-off of IguanaBee to bring Latam Videogames to China
AI|ffinity Spin-off leveraging NMR, AI & Cheminformatics for pharma and biotech, expediting drug discovery, structure determination and protein design.
EntreChem Spin-off company of University of Oviedo
Development Factory and Research Spin off of Alvic Group to develop new generation of the group products
Veralto Veralto, spin-off of Danaher, helps ensure billions of people have safe food, water, and medicines every day.
Tesseract Inc. MIT spin-off creating holographic cameras and headsets that work with your smartphone.
dimensio informatics The spin-off from the Chemnitz University of Technology is a big data company and develops and markets software solutions to accelerate
VOCSense VOCSens spin-off is developing a new concept of an environmental camera.