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TheAIGames Challenge people worldwide by coding bots in awesome games
Appaie Platform to Automate App development using coding bots
CodingBit IT Solutions CodingBit IT Solutions is an internet company that offers custom software, SEO, web design, and mobile app development services.
CodingCops CodingCops is an IT company that provides custom software development, mobile app development, machine learning, and managed IT services.
CodingBook CodingBook is an organization that helps people reach their goals in software development through mentoring and online training.
CodingMoth CodingMoth is an IT company that provides web design, system integration, enterprise systems, IT consulting, and cloud computing services.
CodingBat Java CodingBat is a free site of live coding problems to build coding skills in Java and Python (example problem).
Dragonfruit Codinghouse Dragonfruit Codinghouse is a computer software company located in Vancouver.